The Team

Andrew Green
Andrew is a full time chess teacher and chess master. He teaches in over 20 schools & Clubs as well as a number of private students. His students have gone on to become European & Commonwealth Champions.

Jade McClelland
Manager and Beginners Coach
Jade is a full time chess teacher. She teaches in over 15 schools & clubs. When she is not teaching she manages the day to day activities – this website for one! Jade is available for private lessons for compete beginners or those that are new to chess.

Declan Shafi
Declan is a former ECA pupil who was also trained by Andrew, Declan is one of Scotland’s strongest ever juniors. He has represented Scotland at numerous World and European Youth competitions.

Murad Abdulla
Murad is a former ECA pupil. He was trained by Andrew and since then has gone on to become the second youngest Scottish chess master and double Scottish Chess Champion.