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Welcome to

Edinburgh Chess Academy

Creating excellence, on and off the board
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About ECA

Edinburgh Chess Academy (ECA) is the very first of its kind not only within Scotland, but also the United Kingdom. Our aim at the ECA is to improve concentration and intellectual ability through chess.


From complete beginner to internationalists, children learn chess in a fun and welcoming environment through chess master and national coach, Andrew Green.


While there are some opportunities for children to receive chess tuition in the form of private lessons and after school clubs in Scotland, the ECA is the only place where children can physically attend classes with other children and learn chess in a modern way using a mixture of lectures, technology and over-the-board chess.

Teaching Options

Here at ECA, we believe that chess is for everybody and we hope that we can make you feel the same. If you have any questions or require information that you cannot find on our site, please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible!
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